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The Blue Book


Theydon Grove Residents� Association

WebMaster: I can be contacted by emailing Theydon Grove Residents� Association.

Interest items

Theydon Grove Residents� Association Constitution



The Association shall be known as Theydon Grove Residents� Association



The objects of the Association shall be:
A) To safeguard the interests of the residents as a community, and the amenities of the estate.
B) To foster a friendly spirit among the residents and arrange social functions
C) To co-ordinate the functioning of the a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme



Membership shall be open to all residents of Theydon grove, Wedgewood Close and Stonards Hill from the High Road to the railway bridge, on payment of a yearly subscription.



The annual subscription shall be decided at the Annual General Meeting and will be collected in the first quarter. New residents will be invited to join the Association but their subscription will be waived until the next annual subscription is due.


Annual general Meetings

A) The Annual general Meeting shall be held in the first quarter of each year, and all members shall be given no less than 14 days notice in writing.
B) All Committee Members and Officers will retire annually and be eligible for re-election at the A.G.M.
C) A quorum for the A.G.M. Shall be no less than 20 members.
D) Nomination for the Committee are to be submitted either before or at the A.G.M. Together with the names of proposer and seconder.
E) The Secretary is to record the names of all Nominees together with the names of of the respective proposers and seconders, and any voting results.
F) A Committee of Members is to be elected, and from the number a Chairman. If this is not possible, or in the event of a Chairman resigning, the Committee nay subsequently elect a Chairman from the Membership. Members are to be duly notified in writing of any such election.
G) In the event of insufficient Members being elected at the A.G.M. The Committee may co-opt other Members as required.
H) The amount for the yearly subscription is to be decided at the A.G.M. By a simple vote.
I) Immediately after the close of the A.G.M. the date and venue of the first Committee Meeting is to be agreed.

The following pages outline the constitution of the Association and is from time to time updated. The constitution provides members of the Association with a definitive reference point with how the Association is run for the benefit of all residents.

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